Monday, June 28, 2021




As we read in a last story, about a father and his daughter short story, it was very painful story after reading their first story................ now let us know the second part of the story , what it will happened to his daughter and father in this story. 
So, every one are welcome to my new blog Spot  STORY  , and today let us know the main fact of their. 
This story is very painful and sorrow full short story , if we read full story , automatically our tears will comes out .  
                                                           CARING DOCTOR

Now, let us start with our second part of the story about poor father and his young daughter.

                                                         CANCER HOSPITAL

Dad lets go home. We go home . Matuti sees everything. Everyone is touch and bursts into tears. On the way home, he asks his daughter what she wants. Manuni replies that she wants a hairpin, Also want to take a photo. Later, I will die, if you miss me, you can look at my photo. When arriving in town, he buys a hairpin for his daughter and also takes a photo. Matuti feels that Manuni is too pitiful , she calls her cousin Lailati,  Lailati is a journalist . After listening to Matuti, she immediately decided to help this child. Then they drive to Jerry's House. The father tells them about Manuni's identity. He actually picked her up . That year, on the way getting wood, he met her. If she isn't picked up, she is likely to starve to death. Villagers advise him not to keep her. It is better to bring her back to where she is picked up. But his conscience says if he has picked her up can he abandon her again? As long as he has something to eat, the child will not be abandoned. This story touch Matuti & Lailati. Then, Lailati writes an article about Manuni. After that  , the television show also actively reports about Manuni's story. Also open a dedicated donation account for her. That very soon has huge impact. Charities in society are very enthusiastic to help her for Manuni ? YES . Thank you Madam! Help me give $90 to Manuni. The governor who used to beat people, after seeing the news, he can't help it Immediately donates anonymously to Manuni $ 170. That day the father is braiding Manuni's hair. He says he regrets picking her up, That year if he didn't pick her up, someone who is rich would do. Then, there will be money for her medical examination. The father desperately embraces hie daughter.  Very soon, the social donation is enough for Manuni's first therapy. Matuti & Lailati came to take Manuni to the hospital. They are beautiful angels at the moment of the door opening. They brings hope to Manuni and her father again. The doctor in charge of Manuni is Miss, Boloti . She tells Manuni that it would be very painful to do the lumbar puncture. But Manuni says As long as you can cure the disease. How much pain doesn't matter to me, what heartbreaking words are! The 7 year-old girl suffer such great pain , During the puncture, the little girl grits her teeth. IT'S HARD FOR ADULTS TO BEAR THIS KIND OF PAIN, NOT TO maintain A CHILD. When DR. Boloti answer the interview, she says I've never met a child like this before. She is only 7 years old. But when the needle is inserted to the body , she doesn't even groan.  At that time, the woman who bought apples sees Manuni on television. She blames herself very much. She doesn't know how to face Manuni, just secretly goes to the hospital and donates $ 1600 to Manuni . Then lets a business card on the fruit basket. Wish Manuni gets better soon. from a woman who asks for your forgiveness. After a week of chemotherapy, Manuni started losing hair. Can't eat anything , vomit whatever she eats. Dr. Boloti she doesn't have mother. Immediately asks Manuni whether she agrees to be her daughter. Manuni is touched and bursts into tears. Because she never dares to expect that she will have a mother. The next day, Dr. Boloti sees her not wearing socks , tells her to put her socks, it's cold today. but Manuni says has never worn socks since she was baby. It breaks Dr. Boloti's heart a lot.  A 7-YEAR-OLD GIRL, BECAUSE OF HER POOR FAMILY, does not even a pair of socks to wear. She rubs Manuni's head and says , BABY , Mom will go to supermarket then buy some  pairs of socks for you , you think , If you want to buy anything else, tell me I also want a pair of Red leather shoes with white socks like Princess snow White, you are princess snow white.

                                                                   SAD MOMENT

 The next day she tells Manuni's dad that the matching type of marrow in the marrow bank is only 1/50,000-60,000. If possible, find Manuni's biological parents. With Lailati's help, they look for in the village within 30 miles, but there is no clue. Manuni's teacher takes the students to visit her. Johnura tells her that she is going to take the final exam soon , Tells her to get well soon, Manuni says she will return that day she tells her father that she will go to school for the exam.but during chemotherapy she has to storm through the demon gate 9 times , Dr. Boloti says that is she overuses her brain in this situation, will cause brain hemorrhage , will lead to die, but whatever they persuade, Manuni wants to take the exam. This is her wish, they have no choice but let her take the exam in the hospital. On the phone , the teacher tells her to start to answer the question Manuni also starts , takes the same exam as her friends do at school . The teacher says time for submission, Manuni also submits the paper Although she hasn't gone school for more than two months, she still gets 100 points. She smiles proudly. but others are anxious and distressed. Manuni's stomach is suddenly in severe pain at night. Dr. Boloti says the worst situation has come. Gastrointestinal bleeding is extremely serious , she says any hard food is not allowed to be eaten by Manuni. At the same time she tells him to prepare mentally for the worst. In the evening, when the father is sleeping , Manuni writes a latter. Next day, she gives the latter to Matuti .


Next day, she gives the letter to Matuti . On that day, Dr. Boloti stays by the side chatting with her. Manuni says she worries about her dad the most , because there is no money at home, every times it rains, the house leaks badly. But she always dares not say to Dad. Mother Boloti , I don't want to die . I want to sing to dad every day. I am a little squirrel born without crying . HAVE PARENT'S LOVE , REALLY HAPPY.

...................................................TO BE CONTINUE , FINAL PART.................................................

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