Sunday, June 27, 2021


 STORY OF POOR FATHER AND YOUNG CHILD  - (PART-1)  ❤❤❤𐎕                      

                                  POOR FATHER & HIS CHILD

The story of a poor Father and his young child. One day, they were selling some vegetables & fruit's on a  high way to feed their stomach and they were very poor family & everyday they came into the high way to sell their vegetables and fruits. This high way is very far from their home ( 30 km ) from their home , they came on foot into this highway everyday. They were out in the morning 4.A.M  and re-turned home around 7 P.M , and they reach home like 9 P.M - 11 P.M at night.


One day, again they came to sell their things in this high way, and suddenly a car stop in front of them to buy a fruits from them and they were from a rich family, with beautiful skin and face . Rich woman taste their fruits before they buy from them. The girl selling apples specially picks some red ones for her "It's very sweet, give me three pounds of it,'' . She wants the woman to praise her, but accidentally the scale rod hits the women's face. She slap the girl. The father seeing his daughter beaten immediately rushed over. The woman gets in the car and leaves without saying a word. The daughter named Mamani  wants to help her father sell more apples, opens up the roadside stall by herself. The father sees his daughter's nose bleeding a lot , Immediately takes her to the village clinic. But her nose still cannot stop bleeding . The doctor examines her arms and legs then says that something is wrong, go quickly to the big hospital  for a check. Dad takes Mamani to the big hospital of the province. During the registration , her nose bleed again . The father looks at his daughter anxiously and doesn't know what to do. At this time their is a beautiful nurse. Her name is Matuti . Today is her first day at work. She sees Mamani and asks about the situation. Where is your family? Go quick to the emergency room . Does it hurt here? Yes . Doctor, after a preliminary examination, diagnoses Mamani with acute blood cancer. The father feels devastated. The doctor says that the surgery cost is $ 2,000. He calls his younger sister at home town, has her help him take care of Mamani . Then he goes  back to borrow money.  The villagers are not very rich. Only Bulando gives him a money  $ 500 wealth all to him. In the village, there is a few rich people playing Card (Rummy) . But hearing that he comes to borrow money, there is no response.  He drops the dignity  standing beside them. Today I am to unlucky , its turns out  you are standing behind me,  Go away , Four people  are playing Rummy Card, We can't add you, Go away, Such a cold heart. It is not their business and they will take it lightly. In their eyes whether his  daughter is sick or not isn't their business.  He takes any thing that can be sold at home to the market.  Temporarily collects $ 1,300 . But face to his sensible daughter . He can't give up.  He wants to rob but he can't do like that. Working at the construction site with $ 8 per day doesn't solve the problem.  He returns to the village and begs Petungrai.  He  kneels his feed on the ground and begs. because he is the richest man in this village. Now a man's dignity doesn't matter to him. In order to save his daughter, he can do anything. Even a child seeing this scene is a bit upset. Petungrai didn't not help him. He goes to the minister, Amanan , he was also helpless. says that there is a governor owing him$ 15,000 , If he asked money back, he can spend on his daughter's disease. He finds the Governor , but when he ask for money,  he is hit returning to the hospital, he  sees an illegal advertisement in the toilet. They say that he has to pay the deposit first and they will take him to operation. He can't wait to save his daughter. Immediately gives approximately $150 left to them. As a result, when he comes to have operation, he finds that he has been cheated.  Back to the hospital, the daughter sees his appearance  rushes into his lap , then takes out a book  Write om it: voluntarily renouncing therapy.  I am the child picked up. Disregard this disease . Daddy, Dad ,  just let me die . Dad, let's go home, we go home .

....................................... TO BE CONTINUE ................................


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