Thursday, November 7, 2019



Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl , they know each other since 2 or 3 years back , and they have a contact through social media and every day and night they chat together they talk together and become a friend . After few month he started loving her and trust her in every conditions and  

One day he is falling in love with her and he propose to her through social media itself and they don't meet till now and then he was deeply in love to her after knowing her every thing  but at last she didn't accept his proposal. 
After that they become far and far and they slowly stop chatting, talking and they both have less contact . 
After a year he can't believe that he will saw her once again inside the same bus and he was very happy after seeing her for a long time.
One day he saw her again inside the bus while going home and they both were in the same bus but they can't have a conversation and they just look each other and smile , but boy want to talk with her but he can't because he was afraid off it . She gets down of bus but they can't talk even single word only they can smile each other . That night boy , he again try to contact with her and he tried to check in social media again but he didn't find her . He tried to call her old number but that was also switch off and again he can't find a contact to her and he lost his hope again but he still think he can find her one day in some beautiful place and he started finding her again.
They both were live in the same town but they did not find or saw each other  and same like that 2 years cross without any contact.

{.........................................TOTAL 3 YEARS BY FINDING HER (2015-2018)..............................}


In 2019 , in the month of February , Book Fair was held in the Children park , Agartala, and he didn't want to go there by forcefully he need to go in that book fair and they goes to the fair and look at the books with his friends .
That day it was a miracle for him  and while he was looking a book in the fair he just feel that she is near by him and its become true and that his love is behind him but that the girl didn't see him yet  but he feel she is the one behind him with her friend. He just come from there without looking at her and he come to another place and waiting for her to come through that way , and he believes that she will come through that way and until she come he was waiting in the same place.

At last he saw her face directly and he was hoping he will get her this time   and he don't want to lose this time and  he was waiting her to come.
After few minutes she come through that way and the boy was standing middle of the way  and she came closer to him and at last he turn back and saw her behind and she too she saw him this time direct  and they started talking for a few minutes and at last he feel if this time he can't talk or tell her he will not get more contact to her  and he started asking her number directly and she too she gave her number to him.

Again they started talking and have a good conversation  and this time he started waiting until she accept him .At last she said wait my answer for a week and he start waiting for a couple of week.


That was my Special day 🥰🥰🥰🥰

31st March , 
 She accept his proposal this time after waiting of 3 years he get her and he was very happy after getting her in his life and he feels he can do any thing for her because he love her so much.

Once up a time there was a couple who were deeply in love with each other and he trust her so much and then in every condition he helped her and he believes in her and he love her so much but someday in some conditions they quarrels and stay long distance but they both were deeply in love. 

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