Friday, August 7, 2020

LOCK DOWN 2019- 2020


                                                                        LOCK DOWN

It has been started since 2019, in other country. This virus is very dangerous for every living things but mainly for human being and this virus has infected those people whose immunity system is very week for EXAMPLE -  OLD MAN OR OLD WOMEN ( ABOVE 50 + OF AGE). Old people should stay nicely and healthy etc. in their home. They should use there mouth mask while going out from home for his or her own safety. Once, if it is infected then life will be in danger.

This is a friendly virus because this virus can be caused or spread by sharing same thing one another and then it can be caused by touching one another , by taking other things who was already infected. That is why we should be very cure and we should keep our health good .

In this lock down there are many people died and,  suicide , killed , murder,,,etc.
Many poor people they were difficult to live in their house, they don't have enough money to feed them self . Many thing are are double rupees, vegetable price are also increase , rice are increase ,,,,,many thing are in crease in this lock down.  Car fair are in crease,,, so every thing is increase  then what will we eat  and have ,,,,, and due to that reason many people suicide and died in this 5 months of Lock down.
So we all request you too kindly decrease your price  so that poor people can buy an food  think for poor people.
Instead of increasing every thing it should decrease now  because many villager what they will eat  anf how they will stay ,,,,

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