Monday, June 8, 2020


                     SUCESS IN DREAM

Today I am so happy to be here infront of everyone and Iam very excited to be here today. I crosses many difficulty in my life, but today I am very happy to be here by the grace of God and By the grace of my Best friend, Villagers etc.
Let every one dearm will be come true oneday that my wish .Thank you.
This is my story how i success in my dream in my youtube .

Oneday , i can't understand anything about life. I can't even think anything to do in my personal life . My life is full of confusion that what will i become and what will i do in future.
My friends were searching for a job during that time , and my parents too they told me to apply for a job m totally confuse now what to do.
I do not have enough mark to qualify for a job and i do not have enough knowledge to do something .
One day i think i should also do a job and settle down in my life but i will never be happy with that becouse i dont want to do a job . I like doing job but i don't want with my heart.
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Friends were searching for a job and parent were asking me a job to apply so at last i took decision to do a job and i apply some Govt. Job and loking for a private job too were ever i qualify i need to do job for other happiness . But inside i am dying .
I can't qualify for a job and that is not in my mind too.
So, one day i decided to do what i like and what i want to be in my life and want to select for my hobies .

My hobbies are Photography, Making a video, movie , film, and Blogging, Blogger,  travelling and Visiting unknown place .

But i did not get suport such thing in my life .

But day by day i came to know what is going on in my life and I always think no one is near me but today i came to know there is many person who loved me and care of me that is near by me but i don't realize before.

When someone Love you should also love him or her then u will get loved from other too and then many people Surrounding us they know everything about us and about our problem about our Difficulties etc.

We should over come in our life by our own because this days every one become selfish in todays world and due to that we should make our life success by our own so that every one should know us how it happen and it will get more respect in our life etc.

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