Sunday, October 13, 2019



      One day , when i was a kid i don't know anything about Love ,Respect, Discipline....etc. but i try to know the meaning of Love, Respect....etc, and i was trying everyday to understand the meaning of that but i failed.
Second day , Again i was thinking about that topic because i want the meaning of that what it means .
I can't sleep at night because of that it disturb me every time and it was pulling me to know about that and i tried and tried everyday and at last i tried to know a little of that meaning.

My young age , i was a shy person i can't even talk with someone and always put my head down  because i can't speak in front of other and i failed to speak with everyone accept with my close friends.

When i joined my first school life , i was very shy person and only i talk with my friends and if our class teacher ask me a question i can't speak out in front of every class because of my shyness though i know the answer.

In childhood days its very special to have fun with every one  and it very easy to play anything and we don't need to think for the further life's. We grow up day by day  and we started thinking about our life and our friendship goes far day by day and we used to become alone day by day.

I  finish my childhood days with less friends and with shyness  but still i believe that i will be someone One day that the world will call with my name and i was hoping that my dreams will be true one day and i was waiting for that day  and it will be my special day in my boring life.

.............................................................THANK YOU.....................................................................

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